How much rain have we really received in the Valley?

Here is a sampling of rain totals over the last 24 hours for our area. It’s easy to see why there were flooding issues in northern portions of Tuscarawas County yesterday and in the West Lafayette area of Coshocton County last night.

I notice folks commenting on the excessive rain we’ve had lately. Most just say “we got a lot”. But, a lot doesn’t really mean much to me. I’m a numbers guy and I need perspective on what a lot really means.

Since I can’t find this information on any of the national weather sites, I thought I would take a look myself just to see how our recent rainfall compares to years past. Maybe there are some other folks out there who want to know the same.

For comparison, OFFICIAL rain totals since April 01 at Harry Clever Field in New Philadelphia:

June total precipitation as recorded at Harry Clever Field. Normal rainfall up to June 18 in New Phila is around 2.57 inches. Currently, we’re running 1.68 inches above that:

Lastly, we can see from the National Weather Service analysis of this year’s rainfall shows that we’re not alone. The vast majority of the state has seen significant rain over the last 60 days.

This means that we’ve received 150% to 175% of our normal rainfall over the last 60 days. Places like northwestern Ohio have received 3-times the amount of normal rainfall.

More rain is expected Wednesday night and Thursday and periods of heavy downpours are possible. It is likely all of these numbers will inch higher before the end of the week.

NOTE: These data sourced as of 8:00 AM EDT 06/19/2019. Source: NOAA; National Weather Service.



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