Saturday Night 26°F | Mostly Cloudy, Slight Chance Light Snow Chance of precipitation 20% Low: 26°F. Dewpoint: 21°F. Wind SW 8 Gusts to 22 mph. Rain ≈ 0.00in. | |
Sunday 31°F | Mostly Cloudy High: 31°F. Dewpoint: 22°F. Wind W 7 Gusts to 17 mph. Rain ≈ 0.00in. | |
Sunday Night 15°F | Partly Cloudy Low: 15°F. Dewpoint: 18°F. Wind W 3 Gusts to 17 mph. | |
Monday 33°F | Mostly Sunny High: 33°F. Dewpoint: 11°F. UV Index 2. Wind SW 8 Gusts to 31 mph. | |
Monday Night 27°F | Partly Cloudy, Snow Showers Chance of precipitation 20% Low: 27°F. Dewpoint: 17°F. Wind SW 15 Gusts to 33 mph. Rain ≈ 0.01in. Snow ≈ 0.07in. | |
Tuesday 36°F | Partly Cloudy, Snow Showers Chance of precipitation 10% High: 36°F. Dewpoint: 22°F. Wind WSW 12 Gusts to 25 mph. Rain ≈ 0.00in. Snow ≈ 0.02in. | |
Tuesday Night 31°F | Partly Cloudy, Snow Showers Chance of precipitation 10% Low: 31°F. Dewpoint: 25°F. Wind SW 7 Gusts to 25 mph. Rain ≈ 0.00in. | |
Wednesday 39°F | Mostly Cloudy, Light Wintry Mix Chance of precipitation 10% High: 39°F. Dewpoint: 29°F. Wind SW 12 Gusts to 26 mph. Rain ≈ 0.00in. Snow ≈ 0.20in. | |
Wednesday Night 19°F | Partly Cloudy, Snow Showers Chance of precipitation 20% Low: 19°F. Dewpoint: 27°F. Wind WNW 10 Gusts to 22 mph. Rain ≈ 0.00in. Snow ≈ 0.02in. | |
Thursday 27°F | Partly Cloudy, Snow Showers Chance of precipitation 10% High: 27°F. Dewpoint: 15°F. Wind WNW 6 Gusts to 17 mph. Rain ≈ 0.00in. | |
Thursday Night 18°F | Partly Cloudy, Slight Chance Light Snow Chance of precipitation 10% Low: 18°F. Dewpoint: 17°F. Wind W 6 Gusts to 18 mph. Rain ≈ 0.05in. | |
Friday 31°F | Partly Cloudy, Slight Chance Light Wintry Mix Chance of precipitation 20% High: 31°F. Dewpoint: 15°F. Wind WSW 8 Gusts to 18 mph. Rain ≈ 0.12in. | |
Friday Night 19°F | Partly Cloudy, Scattered Snow Showers Chance of precipitation 20% Low: 19°F. Dewpoint: 20°F. Wind WSW 6 Gusts to 15 mph. Rain ≈ 0.12in. | |
Saturday 40°F | Mostly Cloudy, Scattered Showers Chance of precipitation 30% High: 40°F. Dewpoint: 15°F. Wind SSE 6 Gusts to 21 mph. Rain ≈ 0.19in. |