Posted by Joe on Sunday, Jan 14, at 7:00 pm
Our next potential for snow in the Valley could bring impacts to the Tuesday morning commute to work and school. A weak wave of low pressure will travel eastward south of Ohio late Monday night into Tuesday morning. While the air is very dry, it doesn’t take much moisture to produce snow in these frigid temperatures. This little disturbance could just be the ticket to bring a round of snow showers at about the time folks are heading out Tuesday morning.

There is uncertainty regarding placement at this time. Much will depend on the exact north-south location as it tracks eastward south of the state. This won’t be a big-ticket snow producer or a big snowstorm. It won’t produce heavy snowfall either. The arctic cold air in place currently will make this little system an efficient snowmaker. Snow-to-liquid ratios will be as high as 20-1 and the result will be light fluffy snow.

All ground surfaces in the area are now frozen which means that any snow that falls on untreated roads and sidewalks will stick. So, even small accumulations of 1 to 2 inches could result in slick spots and travel impacts.
I’ll take a detailed look at this again first thing Monday and post an update with area snow amounts. Until then, I just want you to be aware of the situation you might be facing on Tuesday morning.
Thanks for reading and enjoy your cold cold evening. – Joe.
Thanks for your continued updates Joe.