The September local climate numbers are in and it’s no surprise that it was hot and dry for the Valley.

An average temperature of nearly 70° makes this September the third warmest September in recent years.

September chalked up 1.96 inches of rain for the month. The bulk of that rain came yesterday (30th) when we received a record 1.52 inches of rain. September was the seventh driest in recent years.

Temperatures in October are cooler than September. Our average high in New Phila is 64° while the average low comes in at 40°. Also, we usually experience our first freezing nighttime temperature by mid-October.
If the long-range climate models have it right, October will be another warmer than average month in east-central Ohio.

There is no clear signal that precipitation will be more or less than average. October is one of our drier months anyway with an average precipitation of 2.72 inches. (February is our driest month.)