Posted 8:30 AM EST Monday, November 02, 2020
Most of our neighborhoods got in on a little snow last night but as I expected, no impactful accumulation was reported locally. I did receive some photos and reports of a dusting of snow in some locations around Strasburg and the Atwood Lake area.

PHOTO: Stephen Banfield
Thankfully, this will be a brief – and only – encounter with winter for the week. While it will remain chilly in the Valley for Monday, clouds will gradually thin through the day. We should return to mostly sunny skies by the afternoon. A breezy west wind will make for wind chills in the mid-30s for most of the afternoon, so you will probably need that coat today.

with afternoon highs in the low to mid-40s across the Valley. A breezy west wind will bring wind chills in the mid-30sThis will be a week of calm weather in east-central Ohio. High pressure will supply the sunshine this week and a warming temperature trend will ensue. Our daytime highs will ratchet up each day this week and we will be looking at afternoon highs approaching 70° by the start of the weekend. There’s very little chance for any rain (or snow) in the forecast for the next seven days.
If you’ve been wondering about Indian Summer, this will be it.

Temperatures are expected to remain warmer than average through the first half of the month. That, of course, doesn’t mean it will stay 70° through mid-month but it does appear we can expect mild temperatures for a while yet.

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