Posted by Joe on Friday, Jan 19, at 9:30 am
As expected, this isn’t a big snowstorm. So far, snowfall has been light but steady across the Tuscarawas Valley area and this trend will be the norm for much of today. Generally, we can expect to receive an additional one to two inches of snow before the snow begins to taper off late this afternoon. Surface temperatures will hover around the mid-20s today making it ideal for snow to stick and add up.
As time progresses into the late afternoon and evening, steady snow showers will become more scattered as the snow forms into bands. Some of these bands could contain heavier snowfall rates. Most will likely contain light to moderate snowfall.

We will also see colder air moving in late this afternoon and temperatures locally will fall to the upper teens by sunset and continue dropping to around 10° by early Saturday morning. With breezy northwest winds overnight expect below-zero wind chills after midnight tonight. Saturday looks cold and blustery with those wind chill values staying in the single digits through the day.

Any leftover snow on Saturday will occur first thing in the morning. I don’t expect we see much if any after sunrise.
Dry conditions and thinning clouds will return by Sunday in the Valley. Temperatures locally top out in the mid-20s. Our January thaw gets underway on Monday. Temperatures will actually warm to ABOVE freezing in the afternoon.
Warmer, above-average temperatures will continue through much of next week. Periodic rain chances look to cause some high water issues in area waterways due to rain and melting snow.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read our area’s only local weather update. Be safe out there. – Joe
I am so happy I “found” you again. Not sure how I lost your weather forecast. I have downloaded lots of the Weather channel’s, weather bugs, weather this and that’s. And finally! I found you again. Finally, I have a weather forecast that is accurate, and I can trust to help me plan my week’s schduele by. Thank you!
I’m so grateful for your forecasts. You do an excellent job of keeping us updated. ????